As we have seen an uptick in couples starting home projects and rehabs during COVID we wanted to share a couple tips from Dina Gachman and other interior designers when making design decisions with your partner. Dina believes hiring an interior designer could save you from couples counseling later on. Here are some tips she shares:
Avoid put-downs: Don’t call your partner’s style “hoarder-esque” or “slobby.” It won’t lead to a productive discussion.
Don’t expect miracles: Your partner might not transform dramatically. Accept baby steps.
Share the experience: Tempting as it is to just take over, sit down, and find images that you both like, create a Pinterest board of shared looks, and allow both sides to have a say (also not easy).
Rotate: If there’s a painting or object that one person adores and the other hates, try rotating it seasonally, or putting it out (or away) on a trial basis. Who knows, maybe they’ll forget about it.